Thursday, February 3, 2011

Carpe Diem!

       Dang life city type o' blog posts comin from the avocottage today! I am in a diving class and love it! I did a one and a quarter gainer in class the other day. (back flop) (start at 18 seconds.) It's not me here and it wasn't this bad but you get the idea. Its a great class. It sure stings! I'll tell ya that right now. Twice in my life I've slapped where I was wondering if I would be able to swim out. Of course thats an exaggeration but that's how it feels.
       I guess you just have to smile when you just pan out and slap for everyone to get a good laugh out of it. You can find satisfaction in the fact that you went for it! Carpe Diem! How do you know you can do something unless you try? Even if you don't do it right the first time (cuz who does?) you just might do it a little better the second time (hopefully).
       Too many times we let the fear of loss outweigh the desire for gain in our minds. The people that really pull ahead and succeed in life are those that are willing to take a chance when they don't know 100% what's gonna happen. We must step boldly in a direction we interpret to be right and learn as we go. I am not saying we need to make uneducated decisions based off of our ever changing moods. I am talking about stepping into the dark after all we can do. Nephi said it best. "We know that it is by grace that we are saved, after all we can do."
     Faith is a principle of action and power. I think it is very important not only that we believe in ourselves and have confidence but more importantly that we have faith in our Savior Jesus Christ who loves us. Knowing that he is pleased with us as we do our very best is one of the most satisfying experiences we can have; even when we mess up. Especially when we mess up because as we acknowledge His hand in our lives, in our humility, he is able to teach us and mold us into disciples. I am not really talking about diving. I'm talking about discipleship. I know that if we dedicate ourselves to the Lords work he will magnify our lives and give us joy in His service.

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